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Vivamus ac nunc ut augue placerat viverra.


Complex Regular

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate





Maecenas elit ex, lobortis quis tristique sed, varius a metus. Nulla a tellus justo. Praesent sed ornare arcu. Nullam nec dapibus nisl, ut vulputate nisi. Donec posuere sodales neque id fermentum.
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Our Listings

Property Ref: jmk2tlendi







Floor area

340 sqm



Aliquam id mi nec tortor placerat condimentum. Pellentesque lobortis dignissim felis. Aliquam rutrum feugiat nunc, ut commodo dui elementum a. Nunc pretium placerat porttitor. Nulla semper congue veli

View Amenities

External Amenities

These are amenities outside the property, but associated with it. Examples may include playgrounds, walking trails, and community centers.

2 Parking Spaces


24hr security

Nairobi Hospital

The Hub Mall

Killimani Primary School

Nearby Amenities

These are amenities located in close proximity to the property. Examples may include parks, schools, grocery stores, and public transportation.



Shopping Mall

Internal Amenities

These are amenities within the property or building. Examples may include gyms, swimming pools, common areas, and parking facilities.

Backup Generator

Fibre Internet

Morbi ut convallis elit. Proin euismod, justo in ullamcorper convallis, arcu tortor facilisis nibh, eget eleifend erat ex quis urna. Phasellus sit amet sagittis sem, vel elementum augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras facilisis egestas libero in ullamcorper.

KES. 25.00K

This listing is 43.18% cheaper than the average of similar listings.

A monthly rent of KES 25,000 would require an estimated monthly income of KES 83,333. This assumes that your total housing expenses (including rent, utilities, and other housing-related costs) do not exceed 30% of your gross monthly income. It's important to also consider other factors, such as your other expenses and savings goals, when determining what rent you can afford.

Property Manager Tandish

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Our real estate web platform offers an intuitive search functionality designed to help users find their ideal home or property with ease. With this feature, users can search for properties based on their preferences for sale or rent, location, number of bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, and property type, whether it's an apartment or house. In addition, we have added a new feature to the search functionality that requests the user's net income.

By entering their net income, the platform calculates a percentage of the income that the user can use to rent or buy a property. This calculation helps users to identify properties that fit within their budget, ensuring that they can comfortably afford their ideal home or property.

It is important to note that these searches are not stored, and user privacy is our top priority. We understand the sensitivity of personal information and have implemented measures to ensure that user data is secure and protected.

Our search functionality is designed to simplify the property search process and make it as stress-free as possible for our users. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or landlord, our platform provides a range of tools and resources to help you find the perfect property and make the process of buying, selling, or managing property as easy as possible.